Taking into consideration the 61 exam candidates plus 24 members of Baha’i Choir, it is safe to say that the School of Music, a unit under the National Conservatoire of Performing art has recorded a total number of 85 candidates taking all levels of music courses; from preparatory tests to final ARBSM levels. ( The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, United Kingdom)

As rightly stated by the Director for NCPA ‘ we frequently have around 45 to 50 candidates, rarely over eighty as is the case is this year and this is mainly due to the number of years we took preparing students for the set exams. We also have more students willing to take exams than previously recorded and we have the first entry of a choir.’

This year’s examiner, Mrs. Caroline DIFFLEY has a vast  experience as an ABRSM examiner for both graded and Diploma exams. She runs her own piano teaching practice in Exeter, Devon/England and is very much engaged in the music life of the county.

Courses taken range from piano, vocals (singing), percussion (drums), flutes (recorders), guitars and violin. Each course is taught by a professional music teacher whose job is to ensure the syllabus and course materials for students are appropriate and are original as are advised by the ABRSM Board.

Head of School of Music, Jerry Souris has this year entered his choir, Bahai Choir to take the Intermediate choral exam and this has set the stage for other local choirs to join in the family of performers and take such exams. Of course each member of the choir receives that same certificate.

Apart from the preparatory tests candidates whose certificates are awarded on the same day, other students will receive their ABRSM certificates in a ceremony to be announced later during the year.