Who We are
The Youth and Sports Department has the overarching responsibility to identify issues pertaining to youth and sports development in order to formulate policies for its two entities, the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC) and the National Sports Council (NSC), to implement. The Department is comprised of the Principal Secretary’s Secretariat, the Human Resources Management & Administration unit, the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Programme Unit, the Administrative Governance & Compliance Unit and the Policy, Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Section.
The Youth and Sports Department is mandated to empower our youth to participate actively in the realisation of their aspirations and in national development and to promote a sports, leisure and recreational culture for health improvement and the well-being of our people.
Youth Mandate
To support and facilitate measurable improvement in all sectors working for and with youth, recognising the importance of their holistic development. Enhance economic gain for the youth through better coordination of services, catering for their needs through youth friendly policies cutting across sectors, and essentially overseeing their effective implementation. Facilitate the implementation of the policies and general conditions for youth development and empowerment, addressing social issues related to the youth and investing in the youth for them to be able to contribute towards the economic future, social and culture advancement of the country.
Sports Mandate
Sports promotion is primarily the responsibility of the National Sports Council and the various associations, federations and sports clubs which are autonomous. The role of the Government is to facilitate the participation in sports through the provision of infrastructure and programs that enable Seychellois to lead healthy lifestyle. Various competitive events are to be developed for active participation at community level and for achieving excellence at the national and international levels. Policies that address sports and recreation programs healthy lifestyle and competition will be prepared with the involvement of all stakeholders in and outside of government for all age groups.
Meet Our Team
PS Secretariat

Ralph Jean-Louis
Principal Secretary

Elma Dogley
Private Secretary & Information Officer

Natarah Leon
Principal Liaison Officer
Policy Planning Research Monitoring & Evaluation

Begitta Jeannevol
Chief Policy Analyst

Merna Albert
Principal Planning Officer

Dominic Jean
Senior Research Officer

Myra Gill
Senior Policy Analyst
Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Shana Come
Senior Research Officer
Human Resource Budget Management and Administration

Angela Belle
Senior Human Resource and Budget Management Officer

Mary Nourrice

Samantha Rose
Administrative Officer

Amrita Vital
Accounts Technician

Tanisha Elisabeth
Customer Care Officer

Wills Gabriel